Part V here...
Sunday, 21 September 2014
The Myth of the Enduring Personality - Part IV
of Temperament & Character
this point it may be argued that persistence or 'relaible' is the
wrong sort of thing to constitute a fixed trait. We might divide the
trait realm in to traits of character and traits of temprament. This
is an argument favoured by Helen Fisher
in 'This Will Make You Smarter'
is composed of two fundamentally different types of traits: those of
‘character;’ and those of ‘temperament.’ Your character
traits stem from your experiences. Your childhood games; your
family’s interests and values; how people in your community express
love and hate; what relatives and friends regard as courteous or
perilous; how those around you worship; what they sing; when they
laugh; how they make a living and relax: innumerable cultural forces
build your unique set of character traits. The balance of your
personality is your temperament, all the biologically based
tendencies that contribute to your consistent patterns of feeling,
thinking and behaving. As Spanish philosopher, Jose Ortega y Gasset,
put it, ‘I am, plus my circumstances.’ Temperament is the ‘I
am,’ the foundation of who you are". (Fisher, 2013)
we see that Fisher divides the trait domain in to two components
which consist of temperament and character. She claims that
temperament is the foundation of who you are. Then, we also have
traits developed by experience, that is our character. In this sense,
she is trying to say there is some fixed essence to us, but also a
malleable component much like Eyesenck. Given that in our previous
example, my persistence was learned, we could pass this off as a
trait of experience, if we could really call it a trait at all. A
trait theorist may reject my persistence is a trait of temperament,
and try to run another argument in favour of traits which might run
like this.
is an introvert who clearly has a shy trait since he has a social
anxiety disorder of some kind. It is evident that we observe
consistent and regular withdrawal behaviours when he is surrounded by
strangers, and he has always been like this. This points to an
enduring mechanism that causes this behaviour, therefore, traits do
an argument in this way, we have delineated between experience and
some fixed essence of an individual. That is to say, persistence is
the kind of thing derived from our experience, but there is some
particular immutable hard wired aspect to our personality which is
the biological foundation of what we refer to as ourselves.
this might not be a tenable claim to make if we consider the
following. If we take John and put him in a different situation i.e.
with two friends he knows well, it might be reasonable to suggest
this shy trait would disappear. This means that the appearance of the
trait is contingent on a specific context, namely when confronted
with strangers. In this instance, it would appear that a specific
stimulus is required in order to trigger this disposition. Here, an
explanation might look like this.
– Perceptual recognition - Neurotransmitters released -
Behavioural response
may well be observable in a series of events and it is reasonable to
draw this conclusion, however, we need not hold to the claim this is
a fixed enduring disposition. It is recognised by psychologists that
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can affect changes to people who
suffer with social anxiety disorder.
Essentially, if we take someone
like John we could put him through a series of therapy sessions and
over time he could well become cured of his social anxiety. On this
account it seems that these dispositions are not enduring at all, they are actually malleable and a product of his dysfunctional thinking. In this sense,
we can question the assumption that there are hard wired biological
aspects to our personality.
of trait theory try to appeal to certain aspects of personality being
malleable, and others which are not. It is clear here that in order
to account for this, a trait theorist points to both an experiential
component, and a fixed biological component. However, by appealing to
these dual mechanisms, trait theorists are both having their cake and
eating it. How can we justifiably claim that on the one hand there
are experiential traits that are malleable and fixed biological
traits that are also malleable? In order to assert a solid foundation
for this “I am”, it would be necessary to put this shyness trait
in to a biological category. How could one possibly be shy and this
not be part of their temperament?
here we run in to a clear contradiction in terms. This division in to
traits of temperament and character appears to be underspecified at
best and at worst incoherent. It is recognised that people can go
through major changes to their behaviour, especially when we consider
the transition from a child to an adult. It might be pertinent to
assign an aggressive temperament to a child, but how then do we
explain this transition to a calm and relaxed adult using the idea of
fixed traits? Clearly, the distinction between temperament and
character cannot be maintained since we need to appeal to
malleability of temperament, and it seems this division is clearly a
product of reification. That is, we have mistakenly granted this
conceptual division concrete existence, when it does not exist. It
would be incumbent on a trait theorist to specify this difference
coherently, and it appears that this difficulty is insurmountable.
other option available here is to bite the bullet and say there are
no fixed traits. That even our temperament is malleable, as we are
beings that change over time. In this sense, Trait theory could
incorporate John's cure and allow that this foundation of who we are
can shift over time.
the difficulties for trait theory begin to become apparent once we
expose the assumptions needed for this idea to work...
Part V here...
Part V here...
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Introspection in to Consciousness
Hi folks, another excerpt from an interview where Sam Harris plugging his new book. His support for introspection as a valid scientific methodology, is something that Stevphen, Nick, Ciaran, and myself, among many others, have been banging on about for ages.
To see one of the figureheads of the New atheist movement speak in these terms is unprecedented.
Whilst there is common agreement with other philosophers, the last sentence is particularly telling. If you do not want to read the short article, he argues that consciousness studies should include introspection as a valid scientific methodology. This is something I had numerous arguments about on Truth Strike, not only regarding its validity, but also as a methodology in its own right.
To see someone of his stature call for this kind of mainstream enquiry is great news. I also feel proud that we have been pioneers in the sense that we upheld the scientific method throughout our enquiries, and rejected much of the metaphysical spiritual conceptions that were not grounded in experience. Hopefully this is the beginning of the sea change we have been fighting for since the days of Ruthless Truths inception.
Original article here

Sam Harris is a neuroscientist and prominent “new atheist,” who along with others like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens helped put criticism of religion at the forefront of public debate in recent years. In two previous books, “The End of Faith” and “Letter to a Christian Nation,” Harris argued that theistic religion has no place in a world of science. In his latest book, “Waking Up,” his thought takes a new direction. While still rejecting theism, Harris nonetheless makes a case for the value of “spirituality,” which he bases on his experiences in meditation. I interviewed him recently about the book and some of the arguments he makes in it.
Gary Gutting: A common basis for atheism is naturalism — the view that only science can give a reliable account of what’s in the world. But in “Waking Up” you say that consciousness resists scientific description, which seems to imply that it’s a reality beyond the grasp of science. Have you moved away from an atheistic view?
Sam Harris: I don’t actually argue that consciousness is “a reality” beyond the grasp of science. I just think that it is conceptually irreducible — that is, I don’t think we can fully understand it in terms of unconscious information processing. Consciousness is “subjective”— not in the pejorative sense of being unscientific, biased or merely personal, but in the sense that it is intrinsically first-person, experiential and qualitative.
The only thing in this universe that suggests the reality of consciousness is consciousness itself. Many philosophers have made this argument in one way or another — Thomas Nagel, John Searle, David Chalmers. And while I don’t agree with everything they say about consciousness, I agree with them on this point. The primary approach to understanding consciousness in neuroscience entails correlating changes in its contents with changes in the brain. But no matter how reliable these correlations become, they won’t allow us to drop the first-person side of the equation. The experiential character of consciousness is part of the very reality we are studying. Consequently, I think science needs to be extended to include a disciplined approach to introspection. (My Highlight, Ghost x)
Sunday, 7 September 2014
The Myth of the Enduring Personality - Part III
traits that we use in everyday conversation appear in the form of a
predicate in grammatical terms. That is, they form the part of the
clause that describes the subject. So for example, we could say “John
is shy” and the 'is shy' portion is our predicate. This is
how we tend to describe people in an objective capacity. However,
this does become problematic when we try and apply it across the
trait that I liked to apply to myself was my strong level of
persistence. Since Eyesenck does not use the word persistent,
I find the closest matching trait from his chart which is reliable.
I do not get easily dissuaded and I have an unwavering ability to
push forward towards my goals even in difficult circumstances. This
is perhaps my strongest trait and something I considered to make me
who I am.
This description is rather inaccurate though because I was
not always so persistent. In fact, I used to be a quitter and found
it difficult to see things through when I was younger. I sometimes
used to look at things that had a degree of difficulty and did not
even bother entertaining giving it a go, quickly dismissing them as
too difficult. When I did try, I often ran out of momentum and my
interest waned quickly.
later life I developed an interest in many difficult things such as
producing music, writing philosophy, and martial arts. These are not
things you can just give a quick go and become a master at. These are
things that require a serious degree of commitment and also many
failures through trial and error. By applying myself to certain
endeavours, I found I got a great deal of satisfaction from them and
I was willing to persist at them for this reason.
When completing my
degree I did not find the same level of satisfaction in doing the
work, but I did focus on the end result, which I believed would give
me a great deal of satisfaction. Even though there were times when
studying drove me to despair, especially when I was sat in the house
whilst it was 30° outside during the summer, I managed to stick it
out right through till the end. In this sense, when we perceive that
it is something of value then persistence becomes something that
naturally flows from this.
we look at it in this sense it seems I actually learned to become
persistent rather than having it as a natural trait. However, if
someone in a job interview asked me “What is your strongest trait”?
would reply “My persistence”. It is plain then I have led myself
into self deceit and there is no enduring quality about me that is
is just simply the fact that I persist at doing things that I deem to
be of value.
would not demand to continue a picnic when the weather turned
inclement, and clearly my persistence trait would disappear on such
an occasion. Personally, I find more value in sticking at difficult
tasks, and I do not find things that come with little effort very
rewarding. However, this does not mean it is some enduring quality
that I possess more so than anybody else.
are all willing to persist at something that we believe is of value
to us, and to say this is a personality trait, would be conflating it
with our preferences. Our preferences are real but we were trying to
point to enduring 'traits' in order to predict our behaviour. Our
preferences, as we know, change over time and sometimes quite
drastically too.
For instance, you probably didn't like the taste of
alcohol or olives when you were younger, and I seriously doubt that
you are interested in playing with action figures or Dolls any more.
Anyhow, I digress here and this is a subject worthy of future
exploration in its own right.
main point is this.
you see how easy it is to concoct an identity story?
overcoming adversity at University and persisting with my endeavours
through all the difficult parts, I have constructed an enduring
quality about myself that is grounded in fiction. In the past I could
have used this as a device to delude myself about my triumph over
adversity, or to try and coerce or manipulate the way people might
think about me.
reality is sometimes I persist at things and other times I don't.
is about as far as any chain of reasoning can be established here,
and all we are left with is a miserable tautology, when we expected
to find some enduring quality of my 'personality'. The thing that
determines whether or not I do persist is simply whether I deem it to
be of value. Very simply, we are looking to contingencies of
circumstance that determine whether or not we perform particular
is, the context we find ourselves in is the factor which determines
our behaviour.
point to some enduring quality that 'makes me the person who I am'
clearly seems to point to the mistakes we made in the first part of
this essay. This is where we referred to 'categorisation' as being an
incoherent means of assigning traits to people, since there is a
dimensional quality to their behaviours. Furthermore, we can invent
new categories to rationalise our stories, and the above is an
instance where I have conjured up a personality trait out of thin
seems that we all find it too easy to make the error of rigidly
categorising ourselves and to compound this problem, some of our
categorisations may not be positive traits like persistence. Have you
ever categorised yourself as a loser, unlovable, clumsy?
guess what.
are using the very same mechanism of delusion to conceptualise
yourself. When we take a look at the imposing fortress of such
categorisations, we need only revise our view point, and realise it
was folly all along.
argument might not hold with some folk though, and we might say this
is the wrong sort of thing to call a trait, and challenge this
argument by splitting traits in to two types....
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