Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Book of Gh0$t
The sound of the ruthless truth battle cry. Worthless post, nothing of value to glean from here apart from laughing at how fanatical I was. Ghost 2013
Ever heard of a heretic?
Galileo was one such man. Accused of heresy, this man faced the possibility of death and yet, in the face of this he proclaimed truth. This truth he spoke of, was what he saw with his own eyes.
Of what was it he spoke?
The old view that the earth was created by god therefore it was the centre of everything, his devine creation.
Everyone believed that everything revolved around the earth. What did it really boil down to? This was just an untested belief. Just because Aristotle had theorised this was so years ago and it was also stipulated in the bible. People just adopted this view however, it had remained untested until this point.
People at the time thought this was madness. They just couldn't understand what was happening. They had grown up all their lives with the belief that everything revolved around the earth.
Galileo observed this theory and something didn't add up for him when he directly observed it. He noticed that the old view was wrong.
Four of Jupiters moons appeared to be orbiting the planet. This didn't fit with Aristotles accepted conjecture that the celestial bodies in the solar system revolved only around the earth. In the bible, it even said:
Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 1 Chronicles 16:30 "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."
Psalm 104:5 "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
Ecclesiastes 1:5 "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place"
All the previous beliefs told him that he must be wrong. But his observations showed otherwise. Did he keep it under his hat? No. What he had observed could only be explained by Copernicus's ideas and heliocentic theory.
He must have had alot of anxiety. Having discovered that the old view was wrong it dawned on him that he would have to show someone his discovery and face up to the church. He didn't keep it under his hat.
Against all the odds he saw in front of him, he realised he had to do something. He went to the church to prove them wrong. First he got another obsevatory to back up his findings. In the meantime the philosophers and scientists of the time, trashed and lamblasted his ideas as fallacy. He had to do something, he had to tell everyone else he had seen what was really happening, even though they didn't believe him.
He saw the truth and he couldn't turn his back on the truth. He had seen absolutely that what was observed, was what was actually true and real. Even though this went against the misguided beliefs of the masses, the powers that be and the general status quo at the time, he could not unsee what he had seen.
This man showed two virtues that one should aspire to posess, courage and faith. Courage to stand up no matter the cost and absolute faith in truth. He did not have a belief about this. Make no mistake He had to stake his faith in reality. That is the ultimate standard that anything must be judged by; REALITY.
Religious people have warped the word faith, to mean faith in an assumption. NO. Faith means to rely on your truth no matter what. To truly have faith can only mean to trust in what can be directly seen in reality. Or else it is not faith. How can you have faith in something that you have not seen with your own eyes? Faith in an idea that could or could not be true is not faith. That is just merely belief.
Galileo was slammed as a heretic and was ordered to face the inquisition. He had to accept the fact that if he was going to go against the church, he could be condemned. He had to go along with them. But that didn't bode well for him. The pope stuck up for him at the inquisition as Galileo was a friend and he managed to save him from his fate. He then ordered Galileo to write a new book that gave arguments for and against Heliocentric theory and it was also to include writings from the pope. Galileo obliged but his arguments against his truth were deliberately worded to make a mockery of them. He put the arguments of the pope in to the words of a bumbling idiot and made it in to a Copernican theory advocacy book.
This enraged pope Urban VII who was also Galileo's friend and Galileo again was ordered to another inquisition. This time he was found guilty of heresy and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. He got away lightly really and although his hands were tied, forced in to writing a book for the pope, did he go against what he had seen?
He had the courage to follow through with his faith in truth and even though he had to recant what he had said for fear of death at the inquisition, he had already done enough. He had reached the critical mass of people required for the truth to be seen by others. Then thats it. Truth spreads like wildfire. No false beliefs can exist after exposure to the truth. It burns lies on contact, it is indiscriminate.
That, was his only goal, for people to know the truth.
The risk he took writing an advocacy book is an example of real courage. He had the faith in his truth to put it up gainst the established world view of the day and he was willing to risk his friendship, his freedom and even his own life.
But he knew.... He knew that this truth would burn through the lie. He knew that he had to show this to everyone at all costs. He could not stand aside and watch all the misguided people holding a belief that was really a FALLACY.
Throughout history we have seen these people risk everything. They put it all on the line for humanity. Whilst Galileo was living under the threat of death just for making for his discovery, he managed to survive and was forced to humiliatingly recant his work. Others were not so lucky as Galileo. They gave up their lives so we can have the knowledge we do today.
It is to these people we must look to draw our inspiration from. These heretics who layed down their lives to further the cause of humanity. We don't have to lay down our lives. The worst that will happen when we tell people about the truth is we get ridiculed over the internet, which is absolutely meaningless.
For those of you who are liberated, I salute you. What you did takes courage, real courage. You managed to place your beliefs upon the altar of truth and watch them burn. It takes courage to do this and for your courage, you have been liberated from the lie of self. This is not a gift or a reward. This is just a waking up from your delusion.
You are now free from the human condition. Freedom.... this is real freedom, not an idea, freedom that you can see, touch, taste, feel and savour.
The fiction of the self is just one layer of delusion and there are many more layers after this. Ghost 2013
There is nothing to be attained, liberation is not something you can attain. Liberation is merely seeing the truth. How can you attain liberation? Liberation is already there for those of you who can just take the courage to face up to reality and look in real life right now. The liberated have not attained freedom or liberation. We have merely seen it. This seeing is all it takes to burn the veil of illusion for you to see the world for the very first time, through the eyes of truth, without the delusion.
Totally blind to the fact that there are many more layers of delusion after this. Ghost 2013
There is no "you" this is the truth. The idea that there is a "you" or a thinker behind the thinking is as true as Aristotle's view that the earth was at the centre of the universe. The bible was based on this opinion and he merely presupposed that celestial bodies moved around the earth from his direct experience. Yes, his observations fitted the model. But thats all it was, a model of reality. It was just accepted as truth for years and it took the courage of one man to stand up for the truth at all costs.
Do we do it for us to be cast in stone and go down in the history books? Did Galileo ever do this, for the sole purpose of going down in history?
We share the same principles, for we are heretics in the truest sense of the word. Our motivation is not self interest, it is truth at all costs. Does the thought of being written up in the history books guide us. NO. Is it a nice thought, sure it is but being liberated, we have forsaken our attachment to outcome. It is of no interest to us, its the action of killing the lie of self that drives us.Do we have to put our futures in the balance?
To some degree yes, we have to devote ourselves to the death of this lie but we have not had to put anything like what Galileo did on the line yet. Who knows what resistance we will encounter?
We can hide behind the internet sure but we have to take this to the people regardless. Did Galileo accomplish this in one day? No, it took him the best part of his life but we go forward as a race with his universal truth at the heart of modern astronomy. We know it to be truth therefore, we can build on top this as a solid foundation for more advancement. This resulted in man walking on the moon just under 500 years later. Where can we go with this truth? How far will it take humanity? We are laying down the foundations right now.
Kill the lie!!! LMAO!!! Very naive but I believed in the possibility at that time, that the end of suffering was an achievable goal. Ghost 2013
As Galileo looked through his telescope and observed what he saw in reality, I ask that you have the honesty and courage to take a look at this truth. Then you MUST join us and help us wake up the rest of humanity. We can build an enlightened world based on the principles of truth and honesty. We can only imagine what this brave new world will be like. We may not even be around to see it but this is what will happen eventually.
The truth always wins....
Lies only exist when there is an absence of truth.
Ever heard of a heretic?
Galileo was one such man. Accused of heresy, this man faced the possibility of death and yet, in the face of this he proclaimed truth. This truth he spoke of, was what he saw with his own eyes.
Of what was it he spoke?
The old view that the earth was created by god therefore it was the centre of everything, his devine creation.
Everyone believed that everything revolved around the earth. What did it really boil down to? This was just an untested belief. Just because Aristotle had theorised this was so years ago and it was also stipulated in the bible. People just adopted this view however, it had remained untested until this point.
People at the time thought this was madness. They just couldn't understand what was happening. They had grown up all their lives with the belief that everything revolved around the earth.
Galileo observed this theory and something didn't add up for him when he directly observed it. He noticed that the old view was wrong.
Four of Jupiters moons appeared to be orbiting the planet. This didn't fit with Aristotles accepted conjecture that the celestial bodies in the solar system revolved only around the earth. In the bible, it even said:
Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 1 Chronicles 16:30 "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."
Psalm 104:5 "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
Ecclesiastes 1:5 "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place"
All the previous beliefs told him that he must be wrong. But his observations showed otherwise. Did he keep it under his hat? No. What he had observed could only be explained by Copernicus's ideas and heliocentic theory.
He must have had alot of anxiety. Having discovered that the old view was wrong it dawned on him that he would have to show someone his discovery and face up to the church. He didn't keep it under his hat.
Against all the odds he saw in front of him, he realised he had to do something. He went to the church to prove them wrong. First he got another obsevatory to back up his findings. In the meantime the philosophers and scientists of the time, trashed and lamblasted his ideas as fallacy. He had to do something, he had to tell everyone else he had seen what was really happening, even though they didn't believe him.
He saw the truth and he couldn't turn his back on the truth. He had seen absolutely that what was observed, was what was actually true and real. Even though this went against the misguided beliefs of the masses, the powers that be and the general status quo at the time, he could not unsee what he had seen.
This man showed two virtues that one should aspire to posess, courage and faith. Courage to stand up no matter the cost and absolute faith in truth. He did not have a belief about this. Make no mistake He had to stake his faith in reality. That is the ultimate standard that anything must be judged by; REALITY.
Religious people have warped the word faith, to mean faith in an assumption. NO. Faith means to rely on your truth no matter what. To truly have faith can only mean to trust in what can be directly seen in reality. Or else it is not faith. How can you have faith in something that you have not seen with your own eyes? Faith in an idea that could or could not be true is not faith. That is just merely belief.
Galileo was slammed as a heretic and was ordered to face the inquisition. He had to accept the fact that if he was going to go against the church, he could be condemned. He had to go along with them. But that didn't bode well for him. The pope stuck up for him at the inquisition as Galileo was a friend and he managed to save him from his fate. He then ordered Galileo to write a new book that gave arguments for and against Heliocentric theory and it was also to include writings from the pope. Galileo obliged but his arguments against his truth were deliberately worded to make a mockery of them. He put the arguments of the pope in to the words of a bumbling idiot and made it in to a Copernican theory advocacy book.
This enraged pope Urban VII who was also Galileo's friend and Galileo again was ordered to another inquisition. This time he was found guilty of heresy and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. He got away lightly really and although his hands were tied, forced in to writing a book for the pope, did he go against what he had seen?
He had the courage to follow through with his faith in truth and even though he had to recant what he had said for fear of death at the inquisition, he had already done enough. He had reached the critical mass of people required for the truth to be seen by others. Then thats it. Truth spreads like wildfire. No false beliefs can exist after exposure to the truth. It burns lies on contact, it is indiscriminate.
That, was his only goal, for people to know the truth.
The risk he took writing an advocacy book is an example of real courage. He had the faith in his truth to put it up gainst the established world view of the day and he was willing to risk his friendship, his freedom and even his own life.
But he knew.... He knew that this truth would burn through the lie. He knew that he had to show this to everyone at all costs. He could not stand aside and watch all the misguided people holding a belief that was really a FALLACY.
Throughout history we have seen these people risk everything. They put it all on the line for humanity. Whilst Galileo was living under the threat of death just for making for his discovery, he managed to survive and was forced to humiliatingly recant his work. Others were not so lucky as Galileo. They gave up their lives so we can have the knowledge we do today.
It is to these people we must look to draw our inspiration from. These heretics who layed down their lives to further the cause of humanity. We don't have to lay down our lives. The worst that will happen when we tell people about the truth is we get ridiculed over the internet, which is absolutely meaningless.
For those of you who are liberated, I salute you. What you did takes courage, real courage. You managed to place your beliefs upon the altar of truth and watch them burn. It takes courage to do this and for your courage, you have been liberated from the lie of self. This is not a gift or a reward. This is just a waking up from your delusion.
You are now free from the human condition. Freedom.... this is real freedom, not an idea, freedom that you can see, touch, taste, feel and savour.
The fiction of the self is just one layer of delusion and there are many more layers after this. Ghost 2013
There is nothing to be attained, liberation is not something you can attain. Liberation is merely seeing the truth. How can you attain liberation? Liberation is already there for those of you who can just take the courage to face up to reality and look in real life right now. The liberated have not attained freedom or liberation. We have merely seen it. This seeing is all it takes to burn the veil of illusion for you to see the world for the very first time, through the eyes of truth, without the delusion.
Totally blind to the fact that there are many more layers of delusion after this. Ghost 2013
There is no "you" this is the truth. The idea that there is a "you" or a thinker behind the thinking is as true as Aristotle's view that the earth was at the centre of the universe. The bible was based on this opinion and he merely presupposed that celestial bodies moved around the earth from his direct experience. Yes, his observations fitted the model. But thats all it was, a model of reality. It was just accepted as truth for years and it took the courage of one man to stand up for the truth at all costs.
Do we do it for us to be cast in stone and go down in the history books? Did Galileo ever do this, for the sole purpose of going down in history?
We share the same principles, for we are heretics in the truest sense of the word. Our motivation is not self interest, it is truth at all costs. Does the thought of being written up in the history books guide us. NO. Is it a nice thought, sure it is but being liberated, we have forsaken our attachment to outcome. It is of no interest to us, its the action of killing the lie of self that drives us.Do we have to put our futures in the balance?
To some degree yes, we have to devote ourselves to the death of this lie but we have not had to put anything like what Galileo did on the line yet. Who knows what resistance we will encounter?
We can hide behind the internet sure but we have to take this to the people regardless. Did Galileo accomplish this in one day? No, it took him the best part of his life but we go forward as a race with his universal truth at the heart of modern astronomy. We know it to be truth therefore, we can build on top this as a solid foundation for more advancement. This resulted in man walking on the moon just under 500 years later. Where can we go with this truth? How far will it take humanity? We are laying down the foundations right now.
Kill the lie!!! LMAO!!! Very naive but I believed in the possibility at that time, that the end of suffering was an achievable goal. Ghost 2013
As Galileo looked through his telescope and observed what he saw in reality, I ask that you have the honesty and courage to take a look at this truth. Then you MUST join us and help us wake up the rest of humanity. We can build an enlightened world based on the principles of truth and honesty. We can only imagine what this brave new world will be like. We may not even be around to see it but this is what will happen eventually.
The truth always wins....
Lies only exist when there is an absence of truth.
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Excellent post. I like it, a lot.
"is as true as Aristotle's view that the earth was at the centre of the universe. He based his opinion on the bible"
Didn't research that, just assumed it was in the old testament, see how dangerous assumptions are? The new testament was written around 400 years after this conjecture and they just simply assumed his belief system, that was advanced from Plato's before him. Ancient history is not where you should be focussing anyway, you should be looking in real life :)
The text says: "[..] as Aristotle's view that the earth was at the centre of the universe. The bible was based on this opinion [..]"
Makes quite a difference...
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