Thursday, 7 May 2015
Self Requisite For Causation? Part V
A Religious Doctrine
Having established the
absurd nature of holding to the Cartesian picture, we need to draw a
few more comparisons. Our next stage is to illustrate that we cannot
hold on to a dualism of body and mind and reject theism at the same
time. Religion and Cartesian dualism are bound as part of the same
package and the two are inseparable.
This is a slight deviation from the scope of the article as we were concerned more with mental causation, however, this will set us up nicely for the final part next week.
The analysis we have
made so far between animal and human minds is tentative at best.
Since we don't know what animal experience is like, we can't be
certain animals are not zombie like.
However, the same criteria we
use to attribute minds to other beings, namely intelligence, means
that there is a sceptical argument about 'other minds' that the
Cartesian view cannot deal with - without bringing in god.
One example that may
provide a counter example in favour of the Cartesian picture is that
computers may carry out complex tasks and not have any kind of
'mind-like' intelligence.
This means that watching behaviour that
even resembles any kind of intentionality, does not necessarily
presuppose a mind. By intentionality, we
are simply talking about some kind of agent acting with purpose or
This example seems to
reconcile the Cartesian picture but we have merely shifted our
intuitions, and the same problem remains: How do we assert that
anything has a mind?
The Cartesian response
here is that we are human beings created by God with incorporeal
souls and for this reason we are more than just animals. The
Cartesian has not provided an independent justification of this
ontological viewpoint though.
The truth is, we were
asked how we were to determine that others could have minds?
This chain of reasoning
simply entails that the Cartesian is restating their ontological
viewpoint without qualification of how we could ever know the nature
of non-physical beings.
For this reason, this view can only make
sense to some one whose framework supposes a deity.
For those of sound
faculties of mind, it should be clear that theists start out from the
position that god exists. One of the next steps then, is to justify how it is
possible to survive bodily death to go to heaven.
Simply saying 'god
made it this way' is not even an argument, but is tantamount to the
foaming at the mouth madness that underpins monotheistic religions.
When faced with the
absurdity of trying to explain how one can survive bodily death, they
have to rely on their presupposition of god to explain it. The
problem is, they were arguing for the Cartesian view as a result of
starting from the presupposition of their being a god in the first
place - hence we have a circular chain of reasoning.
To argue in favour of
the Cartesian picture by using god as a justification is to
straightforwardly beg the question. Despite this though, this is
exactly the kind of pattern that theists use to defend their
The inadequacies of
dualism are further highlighted by modern evolutionary
theory. Evolution is the theory that life on earth evolved from a
common ancestor and relies on genetic changes, within a population,
over time. This change is driven by successive recombinations of
genetic material, which is inherited by subsequent generations.
This process is
subject to genetic drift, mutation and natural selection influencing
the gene pool within a population. Evolutionary theory makes
empirical observations and also provides us an excellent
understanding of how there came to be so much complexity in the
natural world.
We can plausibly see
how 'speciations' appeared in nature and that beneficial
mutations can occur in genes, which provide a survival advantage over
other members in the gene pool. These advantages mean an organism stands more chance of surviving and replicating and this results in an increased frequency of the trait within a gene pool.
This accounts for the
complexity and functionality of biological life and plausibly shows
a realistic alternative to metaphysical and superstitious
Whilst we see folk like
Ken Ham and his deluded 'young earth creationism' nonsense, many
reasonable theists have had to accept some facets of evolution. When
we see viruses mutate and bacteria become resistant to antibiotics,
we have demonstrable proof of micro-evolution.
One of the main
arguments theists bring against evolution centres around
macro-evolution and speciation. That is to question whether or not
the small-scale micro-changes over time were sufficient for new
species to appear and diverge in separate developmental paths.
also questions whether or not new abilities could appear for example
flagella appearing on bacteria, and this is referred to as
'irreducible complexity'. In this sense theists
are trying to resort to what is termed 'God of the gaps' thinking,
where every conceptual gap is exploited as proof that evolutionary
theory is false and only God's existence could account for it.
There is much
literature on the Internet about this and we could talk about it all
day but before we get sidetracked, we will draw a line and try and
plug our theories about self hood into this matrix. Naturally,
dualism completely fails at this point if we believe that
evolutionary theory is true. This is for the reason that we have no
plausible explanation for how a non-physical thinking could evolve.
In order for dualism to
be true, it is necessary that the soul/thinking stuff is some kind of
self sufficient entity. If it is self sufficient it must, by
necessity, subsist entirely separately from physical matter.
Remember, the thinking
component can subsist separately from the physical body in heaven
according to dualism.
Therefore, it follows
that if there is any relation between the two then we need a theory
to account for this. Since we already have trouble accounting for how
physical and non-physical matter interact with each other at a causal
level, then we are going to have real trouble trying to explain more
complex interactions.
The ability to think in
concepts and language is related to Wernickes and Broca's area in the
brain, and these regions are more developed in humans than in apes.
In order to account for this in a dualistic framework, we might want
to theorise that as the brain 'hardware' improved so did cognitive
At this point then we
are obliged to provide a theory of how souls evolve and, once again,
we are in the realms of foaming at the mouth crack pottery. It should
be crystal clear now that in order for us to believe in dualism, we
must also reject evolutionary theory.
Dualism is only
compatible with creationism as modern evolutionary theory asks too
many embarrassing questions that the doctrine is in no position to
answer. You might want to
rebuke my assertion here, but all I will say is that if dualism had
any substance (lol!) then it would dovetail with modern theory.
As such, dualists have
to reject modern theory in order to maintain their convictions. It
may be tempting at this point to side with the god of the gaps
thinking and say there is micro-evolution but something else played a
hand in macro-evolution. However, you are basically saying you
believe in god or some other supernatural force. If you are denying
evolution is real then pay Ken Ham a visit, you will be in good
company there.
Hence, there is no way
you can accept dualism of body and mind but reject god
simultaneously. The two go hand in hand together and it is very
surprising how many people who consider themselves as secular, still
subscribe to dualism as a result of its prevalence in mainstream
society. This is because these people have never investigated the
taken for granted assumptions and presuppositions upon which their
model of reality is based - and we are talking about the majority of
ordinary folk.
There is a synthesis of
substance dualism that is non-religious, however, it brings in its
own set of problems, not to mention many of these we have covered in
this series. The main problem is centred around the fact that the
theory of dualism was required to explain a religious ontology.
Without this need then the conceptual difficulties it faces alone are
sufficient reason for us to disregard it. Dualism is such an accepted ontological viewpoint in society, but when we question it we find that it is full of holes.
The next step is to
start to look at what the theory of evolution means for our theories
of self hood. Essentially, we have to take what we have learned so
far and try to make some sense out of our traditional ideas of self
hood within the context of evolutionary theory. What we will see is that, like the notion of dualism, our ideas evaporate under scrutiny and our conceptual presuppositions about
the self were quite empty.
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